Who are Loddon - Equine Acres

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Who are Loddon


Loddon Engineering are manufacturers of 'World Class' internal stables. Established in 1960, Loddon are synonymous with luxury heritage and authentic craftmanship.

Loddon offers and in-house design service, creating custom made stables to fit all spaces.  Innovation is keu and Loddon are looking forward to adding ranges to their portfolio, without comprimising their core values and strong identity for which they are recognised.

Loddon use only the highest quality materialsm Grade A Hardwood, as well as 100% sustainable materials, including Recycled Polyethy lene (multiple colour choices) and Bamboo.  All steelwork has, as standard, a hot dip galvinised finish that meets the BS EN I SO 1461 standards.

Loddon welcomes you to the Winner's Enclosure.........

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