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1.  The AGRI-vator is used by the top stud racing venues and sports ground contractors around Europe for aerating & decompacting paddocks. It is extensively used by racecourses for taking the firmness out of the ground throughout the summer months improving the safety for both horse and rider.

2.  It is extensively used by racecourses for taking the firmness out of the ground throughout the summer months improving the safety for both the horse and rider.

3.  The AGRI-vator has a unique patented vibrating tine action which penetrates the hardest ground, shattering the compaction pan, enabling roots to sevelop.

4.  An added feature is a smooth roller which gently sets the ground back without compaction.

5.  The AGRI-vator is also suitable for application on sports grounds for incorporating sand following topdressing.

We are the Sole Distributor in Ireland, UK and France for the AGRI-vator
and we also stock of complete set of replacement parts

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