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"I find the AGRI-vator very useful on the training grounds here at Newmarket.  I covered about 800 acres during the Autumn and Winter months with the machine.  It has released the compaction to allow the root zone to grow freely and opened up the ground to allow improved water infiltration.  This has given me the best sward of grass ever, which gives the horses ideal gallops."

John Taylor, Training Grounds Manager, Jockey Club Estates, Newmarket, UK.

"We here at Kildangan Stud have been using aerators for a number of years now. Fergal introduced us to the AGRI-vator and we have found it to be a fantastic machine which has relieved compaction and improved drainage. We have also found that grazing is more uniform throughout our paddocks."

Sean Ryan, Kildangan Stud. Monasterevan, Co Kildare

"In my opinion the AGRI-vator is the best machine on the market for alleviating compaction in the upper layer of soil. It promotes excellent grass growth, root development  and creates excellent conditions for horses to exercise in safety."  

Robert Bryan . Pasture Management Consultant . M.Agr.Sc

“We have installed the Up-Right Anti-Cast Safety Strips in some high profile stalls and thankfully we have not experienced any injuries from horses getting cast since their installation.”  

Jimmy Hyland,
Kildangan Stud, Monasterevin,
Co .Kildare, Ireland

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